Friday, July 11, 2008

Contribute to my Capstone Project: Second Life


First week of MPE semester III and there is lot of action already. We have just started work on our Capstone projects. Let me share what I am going to do as part of my Capstone project.

Project Title: "Second Life's impact on future of business world"


As you may know, Second Life is an online, 3D virtual world imagined and created by its residents / users. It started as an internet-based video game created by Linden Lab, first launched on June 23, 2003. Today, it's much more than a game. With more than 14residents, living and doing business (with Linden dollor as currency), it's truly a happening world to be in.

Official Site:
Economy Stats:
More info:

How does "future of business" fit in here?

Do you know Arcelor Mittal had organised shareholder meeting in Second Life? Yes, Fortune 500 companies, like IBM, also have presence in the Second Life. Organizations use Second Life as a platform ( to achieve:
  • Increased Productivity
  • Effective Collaboration
  • Improved Communication
  • Enhanced Engagement with stakeholders
  • Reduce cost, etc.
Objective of my project:

I would like to study various implications such a platform may have on future business scenario. Also, look at various opportunities and challenges for the organizations leveraging the Second Life for business purpose. I also wish to use Second Life and demonstrate a business transaction as part of my project.

Who am I in the Second Life? Well, you need to figure that out by actually being in that world. Just a hint, I am a Mahatma!!!

My Humble Request:

Over next 5-6 months, if you come across any insightful article, news or information on this topic, please share them with me. What better option that to post them as comment to this blog entry itself? Looking forward to your support and encouragement.

See you there in the Second Life...

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