Sunday, June 8, 2008

Presentations over, time to gear up for exams

Today we completed all presentations / assignments for semester II. Our presentation on 'Power in Negotiation: Sources & Uses' was really good. There are few things I personally am quite satisfied with:
  • The way team used a 'refreshing' approach to presentation: having 2 people present in the mode of conversation (like two hosts for TV programs). It was a challenging task that requires lot of coordination, preparation and spontaneity. And the performance of the group was duly appreciated.
  • There was healthy dose of role-plays - four of them to be precise. And who will forget how impressed Prachi was with Anand's acting in role play:-)
  • Everybody in the group got opportunity to enact in role play as well as present specific topics!

I think it was a job well done! Congratulations and thank you, team!

I must also mention that I was quite impressed by the presentation of Jitu's group on 'Who makes a good negotiator?'. They truly demonstrated how 'less is more'. And what to write about those A/V clips - spot on! Congratulations to the team! It was a treat to watch.

Well, presentations are over now. Exam date (Jun 21st) is nearing faster than I could imagine. Lets wish ourselves all the very best and go for it!


prachi said...

ya Rajesh i too agree with you, according to me negotiation presentation was one of our best one out of all.Everyone has performed spectacullasly and you all will agree with me that anand's acting was quite impressive so now we came to know that he has a funny side too:),by the way an artist never hesitate to appriciate any good work, which i did....and not many people know that i am an artist also,i do lot of paintings in my free time so by that mean a good is a good work no matter done by anyone.
anyways as u rightly indicated its time to gear up for the exams, there is no much time to loose.

Rajesh Rathod said...

Hey Prachi,

Thanks for sharing your artistic side. I would like to see some of your paintings when we get a chance. I bet Namita is also a good artist - you can go through all her class notes to see those beautiful drawings. What say, Nami?

@Presentation - Three cheers for the entire group for excellent show!!!

rollercoaster life said...

Hey Guys,

Am rather late to respond to this..Just saw through the endless list of mails...Well regarding my gang's Negotiations PPT,the idea struck us while watching Erinbrokowich on HBO....and then Research on this was quite good....watching some 10-15 movies to get the right lot of hard work too(i wouldnt mind it any day) that you guys liked it and thank you...Cheers!!