Thursday, May 29, 2008

Secrets of high performing teams

I am reading 'The Heart of a Leader', a book by Ken Blanchard. He sites a quote from his another book 'The One Minute Manager Builds High Performing Teams'. It goes like this...
"None of us is as smart as all of us."

Ray Kroc of McDonald's was also quoted saying something very similar...
"None of Us is as Good as All of Us"

And I completely agree with both Ken and Ray's views. It's the collective efforts, the team that enable us to do great things. In a true team, 1+1 != 2, but it's 1+1=11. So, how do you create such high performing teams?

Out of many things that may contribute to making of high performing teams, one that I have experienced in my MPE team is 'DIVERSITY'. We are a bunch of people from very diverse background.
  • Anand (Telecom/MNC/Male/Travelled/Gujarati -Born & Brought-up in Maharashtra)
  • Anshu (Insurance Broking /INDIAN FIRM/Female/Rajashthan)
  • Lakshmi (Financial Services/MNC/Female/South Indian - Living in Mumbai)
  • Namita (Insurance/INDIAN FIRM/Female/Travelled/Rajashthan)
  • Prachi (Digital Media/INDIAN FIRM/Married Female/Marathi - Born in MP)
  • Rajesh (IT Consulting/INDIAN MNC/Married Male/Travelled/Gujarati)
This diversity brings new perspectives, ideas and creative solutions on the table. It always helps when you don't know many things that others in your team know. It makes you be open and encourages you to continue learning. Ken Blanchard notes that "you don't have to be the only bright person in the group. In fact, admitting your vulnerability allows you to ask for help.".

What are your thoughts on secrets of high performing teams?

1 comment:

Anand Modi said...

Hi Rajesh,

Responding to your initiative I have following to mention:

Ever since I have started my career some 4.5 yrs back, I have always faced difficulty to get help from my team members especially when I am new to the team. Destiny of meeting and working with people who were not so open can be kept aside, but it was truth :-) Some how I started believing that "People who are accessible are never approachable". However there came a self-realisation and I have following points to contibute on this topic :

1) Its not that people dont want to help, they genuinely donot have answers to your concerns/questions most of the time you seek help. Personally I believe that in a team a "Open Door" culture should be cultivated where employees dont have to think before they raise their concerns/questions. I have remarakably noticed our Chinese counterparts having such a culture at their workplace. We handle a Emergency Recovery profile which is very customer centric and sensitive to handle. The Chinese wont miss any oppurtunity to demonstrate how coherent they are as group and all of them would work as a team alongwith with the recovery prime to deliver customer solution within the set SLA timelines. It really works!!

2) Diversity of culture and background seems to be related by and large with the working methodology people adopts. However key take away from any efficient team suggest -- A team is found to be more Efficient and productive if you have people from different backgrounds in terms of their work exposure. You need not necessarily have resources who are all-rounders. I have remarkably observed that a good team will have people who are good in atleast one competency and/or skill sets. A combined effect takes place during brain-storming and the ideation is more effective during problem facing/resolving.